The idea that Warp Films are mostly realistic and low budget films appeals to our thriller because it could highlight the percentage of homeless people living in the UK- ‘Warp Films is an independent UK film production company. It is based in Sheffield & London, UK with a further office in Melbourne, Australia’.
I could also see our thriller appealing to Film Four, because they, develop and co-finance films and are ‘known for working with the most innovative talent in the UK, whether new or established’. Film Four often host particular genre weeks on their channel to promote new films or recently released films. This could benefit our thriller and not just appeal to a niche audience. As well as Film Four, BBC Films help fund independent films, such as Fish Tank, which is about an alienated and troubled young girl living on a council estate in Tilbury Essex. This film reflects the issues in society that are not widely spoken about- so it is a possibility that BBC Films could be a good option for our film.
As technology is evolving the use of the Internet could access a huge audience through social network sites such as, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and even Youtube. This would work well with warp films because their films appeal to a younger, teenage audience. As well as being the easier approach they are efficiently the cheaper option as well. It is free to post videos on Facebook and Youtube, and both sites contain a large number of potential viewers as anybody can access the internet. This would benefit our film greatly and maybe draw the attention to other media productions.
We considered Working Title films but they are not as approachable because they do not have the recognition of making independent, low budget films, such as our film, Invisible Lives. It is also very hard to gain funding from a well established company because there are no recognisable actors or directors to draw the attention to Working Title, which is normally the attraction they would go for.
In terms of cinemas in media productions, our thriller would suit a more independent cinema such as, Cinema City in Norwich. This could appeal to them because our thriller was filmed in Norwich and would fit with their independent film genres. Cinema City appeals to a niche audience which would fit well with our thriller.
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